Monday, February 18, 2008


Recently I read an article on what makes a successful blog. I went through the checklist of three:
1. Keep blogs to 300 words or less.
2. Do not include cutesy pictures.
3. Write every day.

Clearly I have failed all three. My shortest blog was 800 words, longest over 2,000, and they are usually in the 1,200 to 1,400-word range. I like pictures and am an admitted softie for cutesy dog ones. I last wrote on January 6 and today is February 18 (points for both dates being in the same year).

According to the author of the article, I am completely on the wrong track. If I tighten up the wordage and write more often (I’m keeping the pics, they make me laugh), then the formula predicts I will have more readers and they will come more often (unless they are turned off by the said pics). I suppose that makes sense and is important information to know, maybe I could even experiment with the ideas, but I’d have to keep such ramblings like this particular sentence out because I’m already to 186 words. So I keep the pics, some rambling, and most importantly, I now officially change the name from blog to e-(s)ay. Because, really, these are essays not little tid-bits. I’m not made for the changing world. I still like erasers though I have grown overly dependent on spell-check and I wonder if Google has become our collective memory. They could do some weird shit to us (252, not good, 255).

Here is my plan. I will write my wordy e-says and cut them into bite-size (no pun intended, I’m not that kind of clever) parts, and I will post more often, maybe every day. Numbered, serial e-says. Okay? Better be, I’m out of words. 300